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[ISENGARD13] willing to be a diplomat?

24 Hari ke 2,330, 13:54 Diterbitkan di India India Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

dear eindians,

This is an important month for eindia. we have been recently rejected by aurora, but that DOES NOT MEAN that it should demoralize us. In this term of calvinhobbes as country president, i had been given the responsibility of

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[ISENGARD13] The Great European War

13 Hari ke 2,308, 06:27 Diterbitkan di India India Analisis pertempuran Analisis pertempuran

the sudden changes in the international status, has made me postpone my article on the countries in the alliance of Sirius, and Aurora, and its relation with india. But i have returned with some interesting twist in the International relations, of

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[ISENGARD13]Highlights on international scenario

23 Hari ke 2,306, 05:20 Diterbitkan di India India Analisis pertempuran Analisis pertempuran

The media in India has been quite quiet in the last few weeks, and no one did any initiative to rejuvinate it, until Calvinhobbes, the present minister of Defense of India, wrote his article, to inspire the young generation in this game, to make

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[HINGLISH]UK-SPoland's invasion of FRANCE

9 Hari ke 2,221, 09:25 Diterbitkan di India India Analisis pertempuran Analisis pertempuran

Upar diye gaye photo se hum log dekh sakte hain ki Poland and Spain as well as UK have attacked France, which was a barrier in their unity. TWO … lebih lanjut »

[ISENGARD13] What's the Hurry guys????

33 Hari ke 2,209, 23:36 Diterbitkan di India India Analisis pertempuran Analisis pertempuran

India has been quite unfortunately, nearing another blackout from the map, as it is predicable by the result of the decisive defeats we have faced. Ofcourse to the new people, who are thinking that when india can take back all of india, then why

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