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rumor has it... (ENG-GRE)

37 Hari ke 1,290, 12:52 Diterbitkan di China China Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

rumor has it...

...that in the country, named eGreece, citizens of certain political parties, have came to an understanding, with a military-political group.
...that a PTO is going to take place, so that former turkish-american players, … lebih lanjut »

Once upon a time (ENG)

30 Hari ke 1,287, 13:53 Diterbitkan di China China Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Once upon a time

... there was a small country in a fictional word. The name of this country was eGreece. This small country, in the very begining, was not too strong neither did it have many citizens. This country was so weak that … lebih lanjut »

Something should be done to improve Military Units (ENG-GRE)

13 Hari ke 1,285, 06:44 Diterbitkan di China China Analisis pertempuran Analisis pertempuran

Dear Readers,

I was scrolling through the Erepublik Forum, when I came across a poll, proposed by the player called Stevica I.
This player,

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what does it mean to be eGreek (Greek)

18 Hari ke 1,284, 14:38 Diterbitkan di China China Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan


Αγαπητοί Αναγνώστες,

υπό την συναισθηματική φόρτιση των τελευταίων εικοσιτετραώρων, που οφείλεται στην ανοικτή διένεξη μεταξύ ημών και των κατοίκων της εις τον Βορρά ημών χώρας, στην πρόκληση την παραιτήσεως ενός γ

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giati paizoume?

55 Hari ke 1,280, 14:25 Diterbitkan di China China Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

Αγαπητοί Αναγνώστες,

αυτήν την στιγμή που σας γράφω, έχω συμπληρώσει 21 ώρες ξύπνιος, άρα πιθανόν το κείμενο που σας παραθέτω να έχει πολλά λάθη, ζητώ λοιπόν την κατανόηση και την .... (όχι ανοχή, δεν μου αρέσει η λέξη) μάλλον την αποδοχή σας.

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