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[GOV] Nou record

69 Hari ke 642, 09:41 Diterbitkan di Romania Romania

1. Militar

Astazi armatele unite ale Aliantei audoborat un nou record, ducand un zid de la -93k la +10k in doar un minut.

Bineinteles Romania a avut o participare importanta ducand +50 de soldati in Finlanda, si reusind sa apere tara de … lebih lanjut »

[GOV] Ziua 15: Sometimes when you win..

63 Hari ke 639, 07:34 Diterbitkan di Romania Romania

Sometimes when you win you lose, and sometimes when you lose you really win, and when you tie you either win or lose..

Quote from White men can't jump 😛

..but it's damn true.

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[GOV] Ziua 11 - Pregatiri

30 Hari ke 636, 02:42 Diterbitkan di Romania Romania

Dupa ce am pus Economia pe picioare, alaltaieri am avut un GDP de 3600 gold, tinand cont ca atuncic and aveam toate resursele si peste 400 de aliati in tara GDPul era de 4000, cifra apre incredibila...

... trecem la partea a doua.

Vom continua

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show some love to USA

18 Hari ke 635, 12:07 Diterbitkan di USA USA

about the wrold, USA and emerick

take a look and comment also vote this one.. … lebih lanjut »

[GOV] Not about Romania, but about the World

117 Hari ke 635, 11:10 Diterbitkan di Romania Romania

In the world there are

8 high diamonds regions, 6 are controlled by PEACE, 2 by someone else.

10 high iron regions, 8 are controlled by PEACE, 2 by someone else.

19 high oil regions, 16 are controlled by PEACE, 3 by someone else.


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