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[en] Resistance War - New Rules!

3 Hari ke 1,469, 06:41 Diterbitkan di Poland Poland Analisis pertempuran Analisis pertempuran

This is just the first step of the changes we will make so stay tuned for more!

1. If a citizen supports a Resistance War and that RW does not succeed (the region is not liberated), the citizen cannot start a RW for the next 7 days.

2. A

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[funny pic] How often you play online ?

12 Hari ke 1,464, 02:32 Diterbitkan di Poland Poland Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

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[pic] Erepublik economy module

12 Hari ke 1,457, 01:07 Diterbitkan di Poland Poland Bisnis finansial Bisnis finansial

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Rewards for the new missions [UPDATEx4]

6 Hari ke 1,455, 04:18 Diterbitkan di Poland Poland Langkah pertama di eRepublik Langkah pertama di eRepublik

the new missions that has to be completed have the following rewards:

[Yor cuntry] needs help!
4 gold
4 XP

It's time for a daily reward
xp 18
str 18

Become a brave soldier
bazooka 4
energy bar 4

It's time to

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[hu] De szeretnék (avagy megint rájött a rímfaragás)

7 Hari ke 1,452, 07:14 Diterbitkan di Poland Poland Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

For my non-hungarian readers.
This is an untranslatable Hungarian satiric poem.

De szeretnék

De szeretnék alja BH vadász lenni
Egyszer - egyszer CH-ra gyúrni,
Sok sárga medállal járni kelni,
S öt aranyér Futakit verni.

Mig az ujoncokat

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