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Periódico con más de año y medio de antigüedad. Mormeg Gazette mantiene una marcada línea editorial de críticas a todo aquello que merezca la pena mencionar.
Los artículos son publicados principalmente en eEspaña y eUruguay.

We must learn from our mistakes

7 Hari ke 606, 05:53 Diterbitkan di Slovakia Slovakia

In the last presidential elections I was aware that our current president, Jozef Danko, wasn´t suited for the seat. Many other wise players in Slovakia thought the same as me, including players who defended him in public but that, in private, told

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Congress elections: vote SCP, vote Mormeg for Eastern Slovakia

1 Hari ke 582, 07:56 Diterbitkan di Slovakia Slovakia

Slovakia, tomorrow you have the responsibility to go and vote for your future congressmen. This country needs a change of direction in its politics and, given that the other methods haven´ … lebih lanjut »

Kim Jong Rad´s ideology

21 Hari ke 578, 16:54 Diterbitkan di Japan Japan

Recently I have heard a lot about Kimmy´s Juche party in China. Today my curiosity made me check out where the name came from and what it symbolized. It was a great surprise to see that what Kimmy is doing and saying often goes against what the

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10 Anime worth seeing (1)

12 Hari ke 578, 05:23 Diterbitkan di Japan Japan

Hello Japan!!

This is the first of 10 articles focused on one of the most globalized aspects … lebih lanjut »

Mormeg for Eastern Slovakia: A promise is a promise

10 Hari ke 574, 03:33 Diterbitkan di Slovakia Slovakia

Hello eSlovaks! I´m writing this article to inform you that, just as I promised a week ago, I have started my race for congress. But this article isn´t only to tell you this, its reason is also to inform you about those things I want to achieve if

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