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In regards to the DAL . . . .

5 Hari ke 1,252, 15:24 Diterbitkan di Canada Canada Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

I have made quite a few enemies in the DAL because of the things I have said about the party I was in for over a year. Most of the stuff I said about the DAL has been a flat out lie. The reason I have been lying about the DAL and slandering DAL is

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*[VOTE]* Re-Elect Supabeasty in West Virginia *[VOTE]*

3 Hari ke 1,250, 20:33 Diterbitkan di Canada Canada Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

Hello citizens of eCanada and West Virginia,

In two days there is going to be yet another congressional election here in eCanada. It is my hope to be elected for a 5th time in … lebih lanjut »

Artorius Perim | Can We Trust Him?

15 Hari ke 1,248, 14:35 Diterbitkan di Canada Canada Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

It is well known that Artorius Perim recently PTOed the Democratic Action League. This is not the only crime he committed against eCanada. He recently revealed some shocking information on #eCan IRC channel.


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The Former DAL has been PTO'ed!

5 Hari ke 1,243, 11:00 Diterbitkan di Canada Canada Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

Sadly, Artorius Perim was successful in PTOing the great DAL party. Since the real members of the DAL are not going to stand for this, we have created the real DAL once again.

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ALERT! Vote for TemujinBC in the DAL!

8 Hari ke 1,242, 13:07 Diterbitkan di Canada Canada Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

The DAL is being PTO'ed by Artorius Perim and needs your help.

Please support the members of the DAL by voting for TEMUJINBC

-Supabeasty (VP of the DAL)

Vote for Tem now: lanjut »