A renaissance of the glorious military epoch?[EN/EN+EN]

Day 1,220, 17:41 Published in USA Canada by Chucky Norris

Before we go on dept with this little article of mine I have two things to direct you towar😛

The DoD

Vote it up! If not, the Ghost of Harlot will come at night and eat your childrens.

Secondly, tomorrow is election day and we're looking at either a big matchup or just a normal election. Depending on what INCI does tomorrow, will they respect their word and just vote in 5 States? Or will they strive for more? Only time will tell.

However, I would suggest everyone to notice that only the USWP will be running candidate, the rest is all made of Blocker. For more details I would like to direct you toward a few articles:

White House Press Release
USWP Announcement
UIP Announcement
A pretty good summary of the whole situation

I'll update this section as more info is coming out.


Now... let's get to the core of this article... WAR!

It's what drives this game. It's what makes the economy work. We can claim all day that some we like the political and Media module (I really do), but at the end of the day, all of this revolves around the Military module.

But why am I talking about this principle that everyone know's? Well to put it bluntly, today's war are just a shadow of what Battle used to be in V1, back when the great conquest and liberation happened.

If you didn't saw that epoch well I'm sorry for you as these were the days.

Nowadays we get so many rounds and fights that we lose the edge and that itchy feeling at T-3, back then we had to pay to open up battles but at least we could do it at the TIME WE WANTED. Strategist had to take a lot more aspect into consideration.

Who of you remember the many battles of Liaoning? Who was there during the Epic RW that saw Hungary expelled from Hello kitty during World in Flames? As anyone watched the entire Ontario Battle, a battle that lasted for 30 hours and saw more than 25 country partake in. WSR is also one that no one will forget so soon when Indonesia and Romania Clashed together. I could go on and on talking about these battles and I'm sure the old players remembers those a lot more than the battle they fought just a month ago.

But enought about the past, we need to focus on the future for now. I'm still hoping that we will one day see something as Epic as we used to. Maybe the day has finally come with the US facing off with Poland. The players are alligned and every country will get involved in this one. And unlike with Indonesia, we can't really turn back around. Too much is at stake and way too much nation have already made their first move.

I would recommend you to read this excellent article by Emerick to get another point of view in this.

Right now we are seeing Eden being hit hard on the Eastern Front. It is now quite obvious that they can't fight the might of NWO alone and neither can we. But together, it opens up a few option for us. While NWO is maintaining it's offensive on the East, they will have more and more trouble containing the arrival of Fresh troop from the West. Fighting a two pronged war is never easy and we are going to see if NWO can manage such a thing. This does reminds me of WWII in that aspect.

If you haven't done so already, arm yourself citizens of America, we have a very long war on our hand. It will take sweat and blood to make it throught. But I'm confident that we shall meet victory at the end of the day! With the right tools and determination there is nothing that can break our march!

If you want to be more prepared, I would also advise you to join the MilBranch or any Militia for that matter. Organisation is going to be crucial in this.

It also can't be stressed enought to VOTE the daily DoD orders