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Announcements of the Ultramarines/Personal Musings of Vanek

V for Victory: SoD and Infrastructure Initiative

23 Nap 1,533, 10:46 Megjelenés helye: USA USA Politikai viták és elemzések Politikai viták és elemzések

I'd like to present my choice for Secretary of Defense to you, America. That man is GoalieBCSC, former President of the United States, Acting President of the USA, JCS member (Mobile Infantry), Comptroller General, a former NSC Chairman, and all

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V for Victory: CoS Announcement

10 Nap 1,532, 16:20 Megjelenés helye: USA USA Politikai viták és elemzések Politikai viták és elemzések

From the West Wing, Season 1: From Time to Time

President Bartlett talking to the cabinet secretary that has to remain behind for his State of the Union Address:

"If anything happens. . . . You got a best friend?"
"Yes, sir."
"Is he smarter

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V for Victory: Vice President Announcement

19 Nap 1,531, 20:56 Megjelenés helye: USA USA Politikai viták és elemzések Politikai viták és elemzések

America, I would like to announce to you my choice for Vice President in a Vanek administration. That man is my long time friend, Israel Stevens.

I met Israel Stevens a while back, and have become

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V for Victory

38 Nap 1,531, 11:56 Megjelenés helye: USA USA Politikai viták és elemzések Politikai viták és elemzések

I come before you, America, to declare my candidacy for President of the United States. It was a hard decision to run, and many people … több »

V For Victory in Alaska

4 Nap 1,526, 20:00 Megjelenés helye: USA USA Politikai viták és elemzések Politikai viták és elemzések


I'm running for Congress in Alaska. P. Kewl.

Why should you want me in Congress?

[IMG]http://i236.[/img] … több »