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The Newspaper of the Royal Navy Military Unit based in the eUK


[Royal Navy] You couldnt possibly find a better thing to do.

30 Nap 870, 14:42 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

The Royal Navy is recruiting today, and there couldn't be a better time to sign up, with Version Two and its awesome new War Module coming up soon!

The months have brought changes, but the Navy has always stood firm, and for more than a year has

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[Royal Navy] The most fun you'll have with a keyboard and mouse

23 Nap 828, 14:58 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

I'm sure everyone by now knows that there was a war. Quite a big one. It came and went and the UK is a better, stronger, place for having fought bravely and withheld the onslaught. So what happens now? Well... we can still fight for our allies

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[OFFICIAL] Rename Military Companies!

2 Nap 825, 14:23 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

Renaming Military Companies

For a special chance to rename a military org, whether it's Navy, Marine or Para, All you need to do is read the details on [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/fetaboxtrot-times-több »

[Royal Navy] Updates from the front line.

18 Nap 815, 10:02 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

Some of you may not have noticed if you're sat warm and comfortable in front of a fire in FORTRESS LONDON, but apparently the US attacked, though they needed the

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[Royal Navy] Announcing the Royal Marines.

30 Nap 798, 19:56 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

Today the Royal Navy launches a new branch within the United Kingdoms military. This branch will be a quick reaction, high damage force attached to the Navy that can be deployed within a few hours to … több »