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Marketplace Time, the newspaper with the weekly reviews of the market! We post every Thursday with the weekly review of the market and every Sunday with a summary and prediction for the next week.

First Day Writing Newspaper Again (Mar05 1600)

1 Nap 836, 16:24 Megjelenés helye: USA USA

Hello fellow people. This is my first day back on the newspaper sense my break. What has been going on sense I was gone? Did anything exciting happen? Did you guys miss me?

Comment if you want me to check out your newspaper or an event that

több »

I am sorry :(

5 Nap 835, 15:47 Megjelenés helye: USA USA

I am sorry people of this great world. I am sorry that I haven't been on in a while. Or have been posting. my life is very busy. I promise to be posting and being on more.

Check out my other articles!

több »

Congress Vote

4 Nap 820, 16:44 Megjelenés helye: USA USA

Why you should vote me into congress.
1) I am trustworthy
2) I am helpful to all people, highly ranked or lowly ranked
3) I can make votes not based on popularity, but on good ideas and good people
4) I will help the people of eAmerica to a

több »

Resistance AGAIN!

9 Nap 819, 14:04 Megjelenés helye: USA USA

Now, East Midlands is resisting. When will all of the resistances end? Hopefully, our trustworthy president, Josh Frost, will find a way to control all of the resistances.

How many people think that Josh Frost can find a way to stop most of the

több »


1 Nap 819, 04:33 Megjelenés helye: USA USA

I have noticed the resistances in England. The whole East side is in a resistance. Fight for the
south-east resistance, like DoD orders say.

England doesn't seem strong and untied if they have a resistance. They may fall if we don't help them.

több »