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Thank you for your subscription, and help on my way to the Media Mogul medal!
D4411 550 subs! 56 articles so far :)
D4488 1k subs reached! Ty all!

eRepublik Missions (from level 100 to level 2000)

41 Nap 4,603, 15:32 Megjelenés helye: Turkey Turkey Kezdeti lépések Kezdeti lépések

Dear all,
It's been a while since eRepublik Missions article was published - so for all the new players and those who may need a reminder - here it is 😉
Source: https://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Missions

Level 100 - Your
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[stream] eRepublik 600k cc giveaway ;) - Updated

28 Nap 4,594, 11:33 Megjelenés helye: Turkey Turkey Bulvár és szórakozás Bulvár és szórakozás

Dear all,

Important notice about my new channel

Dear all, soon mixer is moving to another platform - so I've created twitch acc where I will continue with eRepublik giveaways and our fun and learn stream nights. … több »

[stream] Birthday Stream on mixer ;)

25 Nap 4,585, 15:00 Megjelenés helye: Turkey Turkey Bulvár és szórakozás Bulvár és szórakozás

Dear all,

This will be a very short article 😃
Until I get some time tomorrow to update it with pics and the recipe I wanted to share with you 😉

So today, 9t of June is my RL Birthday, and as due to all corona stuff I didn't make a RL

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[Update] New Wars page - Filters and Presets + UI fix ;)

31 Nap 4,576, 22:41 Megjelenés helye: Turkey Turkey Kezdeti lépések Kezdeti lépések

Dear all,

There has been a lot of talk about Wars page UI, but I noticed not all have clicked a bit deeper into the same page, on Filters and Presets that can be saved.

So here is the article about those 2 options available in

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[event] Spring sale 2020 (D4573/74 28th/29th of May)

43 Nap 4,573, 09:56 Megjelenés helye: Turkey Turkey Kezdeti lépések Kezdeti lépések

Dear all,
As you can see - we got the Spring Sale event after all 🙂
I know is almost summer already, but better late than never 😃

Event lasts for 2 days
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