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Presidential Update

18 Nap 955, 10:34 Megjelenés helye: Ireland Ireland

Next CP
I am not going to run for president next month. Had a great time doing it this month but it is time to pass the ball on. The job is extremely time consuming. I spent no less then 3 hours on the game each day this month. Some days … több »

Presidential update

26 Nap 953, 11:44 Megjelenés helye: Ireland Ireland

Most Important battle in Irish history

This game has its good days and bad days. Last night had potential to be both. The most historic battle in Ireland was fought with England in the SE. Ireland was a big target for Phoenix. Gordon … több »

Presidential Update

31 Nap 952, 10:49 Megjelenés helye: Ireland Ireland

Yesterday I wrote an article giving hi fives all around and saying how great we were doing. Before I even got the article on line things had turned. That is the nature of these things. Before I talk about the whys and what was to blame and what

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What a Weekend, Presidential Comments

39 Nap 951, 16:02 Megjelenés helye: Ireland Ireland

Wow what a weekend. Will have to update a little bit of the Wiki history when this is all over. Like every great War campaign we had it all so far. There were Heroes, Great Military Strategist, Secret code words, Villains, Profiteers, Trolls, … több »

Question time with the Taoiseach

15 Nap 949, 02:16 Megjelenés helye: Ireland Ireland

First I would like to say congratulations to everyone who got elected to congress and I am looking forward to working with you. A lot has been going on recently so I decided to answer some questions on it from the public:


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