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Which Training Contract you should sign?

6 Nap 1,974, 08:17 Megjelenés helye: Israel Israel Pénzügy és kereskedelem Pénzügy és kereskedelem

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Explore gold mine in eIsrael

8 Nap 1,959, 03:31 Megjelenés helye: Israel Israel Bulvár és szórakozás Bulvár és szórakozás

Yes, we have not gold mine in Jerusalem.
But, I found how we could explore gold mine in eIsrael and get from 0.3 till 40 gold.
Go to "My places", click "Start production" button. Click again - you get "No employees or work as manager assigned,

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Make money on gold mines

4 Nap 1,954, 08:24 Megjelenés helye: Israel Israel Pénzügy és kereskedelem Pénzügy és kereskedelem

Due to the gold mines.
Our country has no chance of exploring the mine. But you can still make money on it.
Many rich countries are going to serious war with a lot of waste. Very large waste. And then be explored 500K gold. This is a very very

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Guerrilla Fights

7 Nap 1,947, 06:03 Megjelenés helye: Israel Israel Hadügyi elemzések Hadügyi elemzések

The Guerrilla Fights is currently being rolled out to all players. This post will explain in detail how this new module works. If you want a quick guide use the tutorial which is currently available under the left sidebar.

Weapons and Armor


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List of eRepublik shortcuts

14 Nap 1,946, 04:12 Megjelenés helye: Israel Israel Kezdeti lépések Kezdeti lépések

I found shortcuts that could make better navigation in eRepublik site.
This is the list of eRepublik shortcuts:
•Alerts Shift + A
•Military campaigns Shift + C
•Military unit Shift + M
•My places Shift + L
•New Message Shift + N

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