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Where to go from there

11 Nap 640, 20:21 Megjelenés helye: USA USA

As more time progresses, it is becoming clearer that eUSA will fall to PEACE. Sadly, we must begin to seriously think about discussing what happens next. For those of us who have not abandoned our country, we will find ourselves quickly in enemy

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Say something nice about who?

24 Nap 635, 09:19 Megjelenés helye: USA USA

I'm sure most of you are aware that Ajay Bruno has suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of Jaxon Leith. Right now, he is probably very depressed. It would be so easy to kick a man when he's down. Yes, but I don't want my contests to be … több »


85 Nap 630, 22:10 Megjelenés helye: USA USA

Today's issue of Kara's Korner is your opportunity to win fabulous prizes. There are currently two open contests from past issues. They are listed below. Also, I am starting a new contest with 3 potential winners. Keep reading to find out

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Monetary Market Woes

11 Nap 620, 05:16 Megjelenés helye: USA USA

I thought I would let you all know what I've been up to and how I feel about a few things. Recently, I reached 100 subscribers. I am proud of that. Ten more times and I get my medal, so i will try to keep it interesting to attract new subscribers

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Emerick is as Emerick does

14 Nap 619, 19:23 Megjelenés helye: USA USA

Last night, I gained a newfound respect for the "Great One". Those of you who have read my articles and comments know that I adore Emerick for various reasons. But last night confirmed my suspicions that Emerick is more than just a jokester. The

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