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Article 1753: Chris Jonah the whale

5 Nap 6,005, 13:33 Megjelenés helye: Ireland Ireland Bulvár és szórakozás Bulvár és szórakozás

That smells like maple syrup that went off and scares the villagers the big Dickus

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Article 1752: How I hit a nerve and some of my actions explains and articles

11 Nap 5,993, 01:36 Megjelenés helye: Ireland Ireland Bulvár és szórakozás Bulvár és szórakozás

Lets just stop at 1 point. Number of days Chris was CP of Ireland without a dictator installed : 0. Yep massive trust they had in you. one would say with nerusia back on the candidates list they could have ended it but ok. GUESS THEY DID NOT

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Article 1751. Chris "whale of Jonah" Dickus where is he now?

7 Nap 5,991, 06:22 Megjelenés helye: Ireland Ireland Bulvár és szórakozás Bulvár és szórakozás

i can remember his last reign of terror his wild cackling from the cp stool. alas it did not last long and soon all we heard was the occasional meep.

anyway here is some music i guess we will never know what happened to him


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Chris Jonadickus is the worst president we ever had.

15 Nap 5,960, 04:36 Megjelenés helye: Ireland Ireland Bulvár és szórakozás Bulvár és szórakozás

Name 1 thing he has done in his term. Its just blah blah kaitlinn proposes this and that law. What laws has he proposed in his term. Not a single one.

In fact I dug up some old footage of him on the british beaches


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Chris Jonadickus in 45 minutes

9 Nap 5,951, 23:28 Megjelenés helye: Ireland Ireland Bulvár és szórakozás Bulvár és szórakozás

Well it looks like a real bootlicker is going to win the Country President elections in 43 minutes

This is him looking at the disabled controls

Thank you Noddy

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