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7 Nap 1,113, 07:18 Megjelenés helye: India India

Dear fellow Indians,
I am sorry for my inactivity during the past 15 days. It was mainly due to my academic engagements. I am writing this article just to remind you people that I DID NOT LEAVE THIS GAME. I was inactive

több »

What is import tax?

1 Nap 1,075, 08:39 Megjelenés helye: India India

Explain in details. Is it to be paid by the buyer? and where does it go?


több »


6 Nap 1,071, 07:27 Megjelenés helye: India India

I am a new member of congress. First of all, i would like to thank all the citizens for electing me as a congressman. I would like to work with our seniors.


I can see many law proposals without any debate area. By the way,

több »

My Congress Candidature

5 Nap 1,066, 07:42 Megjelenés helye: India India

I am an active member of eIndia. I have been trying to do something good for eIndia. I want to be a part in improving eIndia

My Promises :

I will preserve the existence of eIndia

I will safe guard the value of INR.

I will be loyal to

több »

Help Needed

1 Nap 1,050, 04:23 Megjelenés helye: India India

Can anyone give a step by step way to calculate Average Cost Production and from were can I get a summary of items sold in the market.


több »