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Game convention

6 Nap 585, 14:55 Megjelenés helye: Sweden Sweden

A weekend full of games, nice people and too much caffeine. I have lied down and slept for about 10 hours in nearly 41 hours. I have already forgotten the meaning of this article but I hope I will find it along the way as I write it.


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2 Nap 574, 09:04 Megjelenés helye: Sweden Sweden

So, been discussing a lot about wages with some people here now and I will stand behind the suggestion of getting out some government owned companies that will catch the newbies when they join. Teach them the basics and give them a kind of good

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New Minimum Wage

11 Nap 574, 04:53 Megjelenés helye: Sweden Sweden

Spain now have a new minimum wage.
I remember when Radsoc tried to change the minimum wage but the whole congress was against it. That was some time ago.. But no one have laid down a new proposal..

So what is the government really doing about

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0 Nap 573, 16:27 Megjelenés helye: Sweden Sweden

As a SOLDIER in training and sent on a mission for myself I hope I can come back to my country for the reasons I left. I swing my sword every day to practice to become strong and I work to gain higher skill levels. Everything sums up to a goal I

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9 Nap 572, 15:30 Megjelenés helye: Sweden Sweden

I'm not that kind of guy who is really good at politics. I know kind of little, but the things I do care about I stand behind 120%. So to actually find a party in this game is very hard for me. Because it's a game I want war as much as I want a good

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