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What happens in Christmas, last a few days...

4 Nap 770, 05:26 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

Over Christmas a damn lot has happened, the pinnacle of WWIV, USA being pwned by those Huns, and the amazing dishy is back to be the country president again! Yay! So this basically explains it...

USA thought they'd do what they do IRL and march

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I suggest you read this. Just a peek.

4 Nap 768, 14:15 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom Hadügyi elemzések Hadügyi elemzések


Is it just me who's realised that when the navy paper gets too old, the mocking article is going to be top of the eUk media. Not good. Vote this up so people know. Sub as well while you're at it.

Btw it's first article and I'm sorry it's

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