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6 Nap 681, 08:21 Megjelenés helye: India India

India's policy should be eNon-Aligned or eNAM and we should turn it into a Global Movement . We should try to remain neutral as much as possible , and as far as possible . Not only this , India should encourage other countries to do the same . This

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Getting more Indians to Erepublik

3 Nap 668, 11:13 Megjelenés helye: India India

I think the best way to invite more Indians to this game is by request them personally through emails and message services . Since most Indian are in orkut it is best to approach them there . Getting people from facebook can be easier if they are

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India's Greatest contribution to Humankind

5 Nap 661, 10:32 Megjelenés helye: India India

Invention of the Modern Number System

Undoubtedly the Greatest invention by mankind after fire . This invention enabled man to reach a much higher level of sophistication . Everything from calculating the payload carrying capacity of a space

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Why are India and pakistan lagging in eRepublik ?

5 Nap 660, 09:02 Megjelenés helye: India India

It should be the motto of every eIndian and ePakistani , both in erepublic and outside erepublic to compete with each other . However , Pakistan,India is not that strong in erepublic itself . I have faced many Pakistanis in other websites , forums

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The people of Kolkata are yearning for change

3 Nap 659, 23:42 Megjelenés helye: India India

The Bengali people are sick of the foreign presence in their land . Kolkata was the beginning of the Great Indian Renaissance during the British Period . Starting by Raja Rammohan Roy and people like Vamkimchandra , Ravindranath Tagore who wrote the

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