Congressional Election Game Mechanics Change- Why we need it?

Day 491, 11:38 Published in USA USA by Tiacha

Are you sick and tired of having nobody's win just because of their party? I know I am. Every month, we get people who are grossly uninformed elected to Congress. Why is that? We have an ICCCR which have been voted into the top-5 in the media for the past two months. Why is it continuously ignored? Why are good candidates like Rich Brophy of AL or Zorba of RI not winning right now? Well, lets get to the point--- there are a variety of in game mechanics which have been ignored by the admins for months which causes good candidates to be ignored because of vote empathy and party-line voting. I'm calling for the following reforms which need to be changed now to ensure the fairness of every Congressional election.

1.The admins need to change the voter page so that voters see the candidate first, not the party. I like most of the USWP. But come on, how many states do they win month after month because people just vote for the party and not the candidate. I know they're trying to model this off of the UK where people vote for the party and not the person, but that doesn't work in eRep. It leads to ill-informed people elected to Congress who don't know what an MPP is or what PANEC is.

2.Randomize the order in which candidates appear on the voter page. Is it fair that the party first in the alphabet always has the first candidate on the screen? We wouldn't even have this problem if we got rid of the party first on the ballot system. And if we got rid of this, we should randomize the way candidates appear on screen to avoid the first candidate problem. In many studies it has been shown that voters who do not care will often pick the first candidate on the page. This needs to be changed.

3.Let 6th parties run candidates. I've been saying this since the beginning of V1.
(link) If you're gonna model a European style legislature, you need to allow candidates from 6th parties to run. Many many voters get confused when a candidate who runs under party A switches back to party B after the election is over. Lets get rid of confusion and promote democracy now by allowing 6th parties to run.

You all might not agree with me, but I'm sick and tired of seeing good candidates defeated because of silly game mechanics and apathetic voters. Admins, I beg you to finally make these changes eRep so desperately needs.