An Open Petition to the E-Republik admins.

Day 366, 11:52 Published in USA USA by Tiacha

The current electoral system is flawed. By allowing only the Top-5 parties in each country run candidates for Congress and the Country President, one is not encouraging true democracy. In true parliamentary systems, all parties are given proportional representation. So for example, if Party A wins one percent of the vote, they win one percent of the Congressional seats. The Westminster model prevails in many models of the world and I propose that the makers of E-Republik implement this system. Or at least, allow all parties to run candidates in all territories.

There are many good reasons to implement this system. The first reason being how does the admins truly expect smaller parties to grow if they do not have representation. Without representation, people will just join one of the top 5 parties on the rational of, “Well, I like what party A has to stand for, but I can’t run for Congress if I join this party, so I suppose I’ll just have to settle for one of the Top 5 parties.” If this attitude continues, smaller parties will never get into the Top 5. Thus, one continues the cycle of citizens selecting parties on the basis of how far they can get in politics rather than ideology. Not only does this encourage less diversity in ideology but it also encourages corruption and political machinery.

Political machines are encouraged under the current electoral model. Since only the top 5 parties can run candidates, this concentrates power into only a few individuals. This allows party leaders of the top 5 parties to have true power when it comes to picking candidates. A citizen could bribe a party leader to run for a nomination in a State while not being the best candidate. So in the end, there will be less qualified people running for office in every territory while party leaders get more and more money for allowing these candidates to run.

In short, by not allowing all parties to run candidates, democracies are being repressed. This happens today in American politics. Since there are only two major parties (Democratic and GOP), people are afraid to vote 3rd party for fear they are throwing their vote away. Same can be said about E-republik. People are afraid to join smaller parties cause they are afraid they will not be represented. By basing the e-republik system on the American system, one is only further repressing democracy. So in short, I encourage the Admins to change to a more European system where even small parties can have some representation in Congress. I encourage all others who agree with me to sign this petition.

In Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity,