Carry that Weight - The Presidential Elections

Day 623, 09:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy

First off, please take the time to read the MoHa's article on how to get involved in the eUK, here.

The 5th

The 5th of each month see’s a new presidential election. I feel Hassans first term has been very good, we completed the move into PEACE, and have taken an active role in the world war, and still managed to get the UK involved with training wars for the homebound forces and citizens.

With the elections approaching, please check the Beginner’s guide to the presidential elections.
Guide to the Presidential Elections.

The Main Candidates

Hassan Peseran – The Current PM, had a great term with a dependable Cabinet. Organised training wars and led the country in a somewhat rough period of time.

Dodgy Dude – Party President of the BEP, he’s pretty experienced and a nice chap. He is currently in Congress.

Flamur – RFA Party President, has lots of experience, especially in the military.

Deathtoll - Prominent PCP member, and ex-CP.

Party Allignments

So which parties are supporting which candidates?

Hassan Pesaran – TUP, UKRP, Vanguard
Dodgy Dude – BEP, BCP, BSTM
Flamur – RFA, BTA
DeathToll - PCP

Hassan Pesaran

Hassan served as PM last term. In my personal opinion it is great to him running for a second term, as it’s been a while since we saw a continuation in PM’s. He has held a variety of positions, including;

TUP party president twice,
UK's Minister of Finance
UK's Minister of Defence twice,
UK's Minister of Information twice,
The Vice President twice,
The Royal Navy's Commanding Officer,
The Supreme Commander of Atlantis.
CP of the eUK

We know Hassan is a dependable, capable candidate. He knows his stuff, and is the right man for the job.

Dodgy Dude

Dodgy Dude, although not having sat a term as PM before has held a huge variety of positions in the past. He has a wide range of experience and is the Part President of the BEP, a party which went from small, to tall in a short period of time.

From the positions he has held, these are what I think are the most significant;

BEP Party President
Head of Manchester City Council
North West Congressman
Foreign Affairs Apprentice
Home Affairs Apprentice

After holding these positions, it is safe to say that he is pretty well experienced and a capable candidate. He has served in two branches of the military. I think in the future Dodgy Dude would make a pretty good President.


Flamur also hasn’t been Prime Minister before but has held the following positions;

RFA Party president,
Para CO,
Elite CO,
Party President,
MoHa apprentice
and uMoFa.

Flamur would be a dependable PM, he is well qualified on the Military side of things, and pretty well experienced in foreign affairs.


DeathToll is the official candidate for PCP. They have said that they do back Hassan, but would like to run Deathtoll incase Hassan goes inactive. Although that is unlikely.

He has held the following positions;

Mayor of Nottingham: August '08-September '08

eUK Congressman

Apprentice to Minister of Trade

Apprentice to Minister of Defense

Under Minister of Finance

Minister of Finance

Prime Minister


Yet again we see a fairly well qualified bunch of Candidates. But I think this will be a clear cut race for Hassan, as he definitely has the edge over the other two main candidates. His experience, and successful past term simply makes him the best man for the job, however I do not doubt that both Flamur and Dodgy Dude may see election success in the future.

Both Dodgy Dude and Flamur have stated they are running to raise party awareness.

The polls open on Wednesday, in the morning. Remember to read through each candidates manifesto, and make a wise decision. Voting gains you experience and effectively gives you a voice. Vote Smart.

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Be sure to check the People’s Gazette New player’s guide.
New Player’s Guide.
And get on the forums! 10 reasons why

Mr Woldy.