Φόντο ενεργοποιημένο/απενεργοποιημένο

Alegeri - made in Romania

9 Ημέρες 675, 03:14 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Romania Romania

A sosit si ziua mult asteptata a alegerilor.

Dupa atatea investitii concretizate in paine Q1 si apa Qoara, elita politichiei romanesti asteapta rezultatele. Astazi avem liniste dar maine vor incepe calculele, multumirile si parerile de rau( … διάβασε περισσότερα »


19 Ημέρες 673, 10:16 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Romania Romania

This article is dedicated to my friend Alaricus from Canada

Let's imagine how is a day of a PEACE citizen.....

I wake up in the morning with a different buzz....

[img]http://www.forumammo.com/cpg/albums/[/img] … διάβασε περισσότερα »

Wrong PEACE? 3

2 Ημέρες 672, 11:49 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Romania Romania

Everytime you get near a PEACE country you get that smell....

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Wrong PEACE? 2

7 Ημέρες 672, 11:21 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Romania Romania

I heard that every PEACE coutry put this sign at their borders...

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Wrong PEACE?

3 Ημέρες 672, 10:17 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Romania Romania

I keep wondering why PEACE failed......There must be a reason.
Could it be....the keyboard?

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