Φόντο ενεργοποιημένο/απενεργοποιημένο

Croatia, you'll never walk alone

51 Ημέρες 714, 06:02 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Croatia Croatia

Everybody knows what happened in the last two days. PEACE attacked EDEN countries and the main objective was Croatia. Three simultaneous attacks, three simultaneous FAILS. All PEACE tanks grouped in Serbia and Hungary, still FAIL. USA

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Hungary baby-boom

16 Ημέρες 690, 03:31 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Romania Romania

We all know how Hungary became a powerful country in this game. They had a baby-boom.

Something else is interesting. When was that? It was when romanians reached Budapest. When they left there were lots of babies in Hungary. Many of them crying,

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Hungary, how low can you get?

26 Ημέρες 688, 11:20 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην USA USA

A month ago, Feherlo asked Romania to attack Hungary. Then Quicksilver did the same thing. And now Zoli is asking the USA to attack them. And all this while Hungary is the most powerfull country in this game. Still is(and i will expain

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Ziua libera

3 Ημέρες 678, 05:33 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Romania Romania

Adminii decid sa acorde o zi libera tuturor jucatorilor eRepublik. Adica fara munca, antrenament si mai ales fara lupte. Prilej pentru a stinge vechile orgolii nationaliste. Userii se strang pe langa "prietenii istorici" si incep sa discute....

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Tribul Zen - Pamflet

6 Ημέρες 678, 03:39 Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Romania Romania

Acesta este un pamflet si rog sa fie tratat ca atare.....

Marele sef de trib Om-Ma-E intra vijelios in cortul popriu.
- Talpa-Iute aduna tribul, vreau sa va vorbesc.
- Da, sefu’.

Tribul se aduna, cu mic cu mare in cortul … διάβασε περισσότερα »