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Everyone smiles when they are with you. Please, from now on, go and help people in my place. Share your happiness with them

No Reports Tomorrow?

2 1,503 jour, 15:29 Published in USA USA Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

My internet problems have come back, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to post reports tomorrow. And sadly, because of this, I cannot do my little surprise :/ Sorry everyone

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Little surprise later maybe? ;)

4 1,502 jour, 22:59 Published in USA USA Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

Happy New Year everyone! Later, maybe in the afternoon, there might be a little surprise, but it's not guaranteed! If I do do a surprise, I'll put out an article and tell you what it is. Stay tuned 😉

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No Reports Today or Tomorrow

3 1,502 jour, 06:34 Published in USA USA Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

There will be no reports today or tomorrow.

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The Morning Report! {Day 1501}

4 1,501 jour, 06:45 Published in USA USA Affaires et finance Affaires et finance


Quality | AVG | Price/HP
Q1 | 0.609 | 0.305
Q2 | 1.158 | 0.289
Q3 | 1.759 | 0.293
Q4 | 2.409 | 0.301
Q5 | 3.008 | 0.301
Q6 | 4.136 | 0.345
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Evening Report: Food increases, Weapons Skyrocket {Day 1500}

-1 1,500 jour, 19:50 Published in USA USA Affaires et finance Affaires et finance


Quality | AVG | Price/HP
Q1 | 0.630 | 0.315
Q2 | 1.305 | 0.326
Q3 | 2.073 | 0.345
Q4 | 2.513 | 0.314
Q5 | 3.008 | 0.301
Q6 | 3.993 | 0.328
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