Fond on/off

The story about the doctor and a gypsy

23 4,863 jour, 03:33 Published in Croatia Croatia Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

One day a doctor decides to buy a land in the neighborhood he likes and starts to build a house. A week later a gypsy buys land in the same neighborhood right next to the doctors land and starts to … en savoir plus »

Hot Summer Event??

3 4,609 jour, 04:46 Published in Croatia Croatia Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

So we have new changes in this game that no one asked for. Thanks for this event whatever it is, sounds boring so i didn't read.

But what about the … en savoir plus »

Where's the problem Plato??

23 4,570 jour, 04:16 Published in Croatia Croatia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Hello eWorld
Time to fire up that old printing press again. Plus my newspapers are kind of ugly looking since they decided to shut down TinyPic.
So we have a pattern here :

[img]https://i.[/img] … en savoir plus »

Božićno izdanje - Pazi kome pomažeš

42 4,052 jour, 04:28 Published in Croatia Croatia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Dragi moji čitatelji, želim podjeliti sa vama nešto što mi se dogodilo jučer, nije baš skroz u duhu vremena u kojem smo sad (čitaj "blagdansko vrijeme") ali tu je negdje. Sve je počelo s jednim … en savoir plus »

A guide for having fun!

102 3,977 jour, 10:30 Published in Spain Spain Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

Congratulations eSpain. Here is a shout from one of my friends

It roughly translates … en savoir plus »