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Brothers in Arms
For he who sheds his blood with me shall be my brother!

[Brothers in Arms] Statistici de toamna 2506- 2512

40 2,511 jour, 01:27 Published in Romania Romania Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

For he who sheds his blood with me, shall be my brother!
Centralizare Divizii
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[Brothers in Arms] Uniforma oficiala si Kill Rush!

62 2,476 jour, 02:37 Published in Romania Romania Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Ziua buna se cunoaste de dimineata!

Dragilor, zilele trecute anuntam lansarea unui concurs pentru alegerea uniformei oficiale a unitatii Brothers in Arms.
Cu aceasta ocazie am avut parte de nu mai putin de 12 uniforme propuse si
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[Brothers in Arms] Statistici 2457 -2463!

21 2,465 jour, 22:46 Published in Romania Romania Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Primele statistici oficiale ale Unitatii Militare Brothers in Arms! O unitate ce reuneste drumurile a doua unitati de traditie in Romania: Praetorian Guard si Semper Pro
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