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IVF- Irish Volunteer Force

3 584 jour, 12:50 Published in Ireland Ireland

The Irish Volunteer Force (IVF) of Erepublik is a guerrilla resistance army that is concerned with protecting the sovereignty of Ireland and other non-imperial states. It was created on 23rd September 2008 with the merger of the eIRB and the IRA.

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IVF meeting

0 583 jour, 03:42 Published in Ireland Ireland

IVF meeting on Sunday at 9.30 pm Irish time erep time 13.30. All members please turn up because a new Division is going to be made.
Ian Arbuckle
Temporary in Command of IVF.

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Ian Arbuckle Re-running for Congress Dublin

4 577 jour, 10:43 Published in Ireland Ireland

Hello I am running for Congress again with ISRP.

My first term :
I propose an impeachment on binksy as MoNC because he was inactive at the position and he forgot to re-post the New citizens article. The result was no impeachement on Binksy I

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IVF- Irish Volunteer Force

7 568 jour, 08:43 Published in Ireland Ireland

The Irish Volunteer Force (IVF) of Erepublik is a guerrilla resistance army that is concerned with protecting the sovereignty of Ireland and other non-imperial states. It was created on 23rd September 2008 with the merger of the eIRB and the IRA.

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IVF meeting

0 565 jour, 07:48 Published in Ireland Ireland

IVF meeting tonight at the IRC 9:00pm GMT erep time:13:00 its an very important meeting and if you want to join, contact me and I'll sign you up.
Ian Arbuckle
Acting Cheif of staff

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