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My platform

6 781 jour, 11:00 Published in South Africa South Africa

So, it's that time of the month again, and I am running for PP of my party, the AGW. Here is my platform, feel free to comment, vote, and subscribe. Pm or post any questions to me you have.

1. I will create an internal group of skilled people to

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And a new challenger aproaches...

9 763 jour, 21:07 Published in South Africa South Africa

So, I'm officially running for congress. YEAH!!!

So, about myself:

I started in eUS, but moved here after maybe two weeks. Been in eSA for about 3 months. I'm part of the AGW party *woot* I recently ran in the PP elections, and, well i lost,

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Party Address

6 753 jour, 06:53 Published in South Africa South Africa

So, three days, four candidates… well, I guess it’s safe to say we have a race. But not just any race. This time, there’s not Travis, no random guy against an established man. We, as a party, have 4 great people going. All of us have done a lot for

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Announcing my running for PP of AGW

4 745 jour, 22:29 Published in South Africa South Africa

Hello readers, as of now, I officially announce my running for the PP of AGW. I feel I can really help our party continue to rise into a great party, and continue with some of the good things.


1. I will create an internal group of

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First eSouth Africa article

0 654 jour, 13:43 Published in USA USA Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Hello follow eSA citizens. This is my first article since I decided to move to eSA I think about two weeks ago. While many people have moved here, I plan to stay here, and help this country thrive. So, I have joined the Refer - a - friend program

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