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Rogue Spain NE Proposal

7 1,326 jour, 12:18 Published in South Africa South Africa Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello, as some of you may have seen, a ruge congressmen has proposed a Natural Enemy Proposal against Spain.">Proposal

All congressmen are asked to vote NO on this proposal. It is

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Ten's Last Word Before Elections

11 1,322 jour, 14:29 Published in South Africa South Africa Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

So, tomorrow is the big day. Well, not really big, it's 24hours like anyother day. (HAHAHAHAHA... I hope that was funny)

So, some of you may be thinking, "Ten, why should I vote for you?" To which I would respond, "Shit, why you asking me? 😃"

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Tenshibo Still Gonna Get Some CP

29 1,319 jour, 17:43 Published in South Africa South Africa Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

I am Tenshibo. I was CEP, but not no more. Now, let's RAP!

That's right. RAP - Real Alternative Party, has decided to push me forward for the Country President position!

First things first, I'd like to thank them for allowing me this

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Tenshibo for July President

42 1,315 jour, 23:26 Published in South Africa South Africa Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello Everyone!
First off, I would like to announce that I am entering the race to become president of South Africa. My VP is Chucker71, who, in his own right, is pretty chill.

So, my plan for this month is pretty simple, but, when implemented,

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Tenshibo for Country President

22 1,290 jour, 13:38 Published in South Africa South Africa Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello everyone!

As I’m sure some of you have heard, and others haven't, I am running for Country President of eSA this coming term!

My Vice President is someone who I've known for a decent amount of time now. He's calm, thinks, and has shown

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