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A Response to the Thai President on Billy Bright.

12 611 jour, 15:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Albert Neurath, it is Billy Bright who is guilty of intolerance and bigotry, not the members of the British People's Communist Party.

You describe the situation inside the United Kingdom as close to Stalin's USSR.
This is simply not the case, as

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What has the current government done for Ireland?!?

34 610 jour, 19:01 Published in Ireland Ireland

Quite a lot, actually.

Despite controversy over the Cabinet, the crash of the forum, and the activity of the President, the amount of work the government has been doing is extremely large, which I will illustrate further later. First … en savoir plus »

Anglo-American Relations: An Irish Response.

8 607 jour, 09:41 Published in USA USA

I wrote an article last month regarding the disregard that the Americans had shown to the political circumstances that Ireland and the UK found themselves in. In that article, I referred to the complete contempt with which the British were treated.

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Anglo-American Relations: An Irish Response.

8 607 jour, 09:34 Published in Ireland Ireland

I wrote an article last month regarding the disregard that the Americans had shown to the political circumstances that Ireland and the UK found themselves in. In that article, I referred to the complete contempt with which the British were treated.

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Department of Finance and Industry Report

11 606 jour, 17:00 Published in Ireland Ireland

Well, I have a few things to cover.

Spending Report 15th-18th July:
The first of the four-day spending reports is released.
This one isn't particularly interesting as not much has been spent (yet).
I'd appreciate if Ministers who have

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