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Endorse #1

23 5,266 jour, 03:33 Published in USA USA Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Yoooo!!! Show me the money #1

Also, add your articles in comments!!

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24 5,161 jour, 09:29 Published in USA USA Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement


I'm writing this article to you now because I'm extremely bored... As I have hit Div4 farming BH medals is now nearly impossible... I have decided only to fight in the soul purpose of getting PP points, EB's from daily orders and level

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Asteria SoFA

19 5,152 jour, 07:39 Published in USA USA Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello Everyone;

Welcome to my newspaper. I'm writing this article to announce that I have just been made Secretary of Foreign Affairs to Asteria alliance.

I hope that this new task I have been assigned will bring a new chapter to the alliance

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Know Me Better

22 5,138 jour, 08:05 Published in USA USA Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Hello Everyone;

I'd like it if people of this community got to know me a bit better. "Also, I want to be part of The Iron Prince Simba's Contest"

So here we go:

I live in the tiny Mediterranean Country named Lebanon. It's an amazing Arab

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PP Elections in WTP

13 5,132 jour, 06:57 Published in USA USA Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello Fellow Members of WTP;

I would like to take this opportunity and announce my intentions to run for We The People's Party Presidency.

I intend to keep the party one of the greatest in eAmerica.

After getting the honor of doing the food

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