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My personal take on politics

12 1,563 jour, 23:54 Published in USA USA Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

... Yawnz

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10 1,443 jour, 18:16 Published in Poland Poland Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Can anyone answer that? Why.......

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Tutorial for new citizens

7 1,265 jour, 14:17 Published in South Africa South Africa Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

This article was brought to my attention by Mortalbeta. It was originally posted by Helen Moon. And is an excellent en savoir plus »

Congressional Elections

19 1,219 jour, 09:14 Published in South Africa South Africa

Why vote for me? Because I'm not afraid of fighting for what I believe in. I rarely "go with the flow". I add balance to a sometimes lopsided ideal. Even if some people don't like it.

Speak softly, and carry a big broom!

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Dear admins

24 1,198 jour, 11:23 Published in South Africa South Africa

My dearest admins, I wish to commend you on accomplishing something no one in Erep has ever done before. You managed to not only get Presidents from almost every country in erep together in one room, but managed to get them all to agree on en savoir plus »