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One Objective Today! WAR!

15 2,872 jour, 07:28 Published in Albania Albania Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques


We are landing in Canada

D1, D2, D3 should fight here. There are nice co's up that will easily pay for your weapons. NO D4 IN THIS BATTLE!


D4 can help Italy here

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[Colin] To the moon!

29 2,871 jour, 10:00 Published in Albania Albania Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

{English version below}

Epo...ndoshta jo në Hënë,por Kanada veriore nuk është edhe aq ndryshe apo jo?

Siq mund të keni parë apo dëgjuar tashmë,Shqipëria ka propozuar sulm ajror ndaj armikut tonë verior.

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WE ARE BACK!! A quick update

77 2,870 jour, 15:08 Published in Albania Albania Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques


A short update..

I am no great writer and I will find someone to do this for me in the future but I felt this needed to be done today. Should have been done yesterday..

If you haven't noticed ALBANIA IS ON THE MAP!

I am Colin

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