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Lets try to make it clear: 12 🛩 and 26 🚁 (Zelenskyy)

7 5,899 jour, 03:45 Published in Ukraine Ukraine Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

On Jan 11, 2024, on the pressconference to Baltic media Zelenskyy said that, thanks to Western weapons, Ukraine "used it to destroy 26 helicopters in a day, 12 airplanes that were taking off and then hit with missiles"

Later, the spokesman of UA

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⁉️ I need help!🫡🤔

24 5,897 jour, 05:56 Published in Ukraine Ukraine Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

In November 2017, Putin, by his decree, set the number of military personnel in the Russian Armed Forces at 1 million 13 thousand 628 people.

On August 25, 2022, Putin, by his decree, increased the number of military personnel in the Armed Forces

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Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦

3 5,625 jour, 02:16 Published in Ukraine Ukraine Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

United 24 🇺🇦
Thanks a lot to all supporting countries

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Не треба більше 5 ;)

2 4,907 jour, 13:42 Published in Ukraine Ukraine Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Donate campaigne ))

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Тут розміщуємо свої саби!

48 3,709 jour, 15:54 Published in Ukraine Ukraine Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Отже все просто:
- Добавляючи мене у друзі (виконуючи квест на +100 френдів), підписуємось на мою газету. Тупо допомагаєм мені на могул.
- У цьому пості пишемо в каменті номер свого саба.
- Я протягом 1-2 діб надсилаю вам їжі

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