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or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

A Busy Congress gets the JOB done!

15 1,159 jour, 04:02 Published in USA USA

OMG - BREAKING NEWS: Maybe even more important than the Bikini Girls.... well, only maybe because I'm a girl! OK, I understand how you guys feel these bikinis or lack of... oh, BTW, don't you think my girls are the hottest of all??

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A Simple Thank you

4 1,132 jour, 18:23 Published in USA USA

To all of you who helped get me re-elected, and those whom I worked with during the election to help the many other hard working Congresspeople and players seeking first time elections to this most thankless, inglorious task, a tired and grateful

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Why should you vote for me?

8 1,130 jour, 20:55 Published in USA USA

Ok, here we are, it's Christmas eve... I have Marzipan under my fingernails and I desperately need to write a my presentation, so here goes:

I am a good Congress(wo) … en savoir plus »

Why? Why? why? see latest article for full platform->>

2 1,127 jour, 20:43 Published in USA USA

I am officially rerunning for Congress in Iowa. My complete platform will be more formal and released later in the week - election day is Saturday, December 25, yes Virginia, it's Christmas Day!

In brief; you should vote for me because I am

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... where did we leave off? oh, yeah, the early days, pull up a seat...

12 1,126 jour, 16:39 Published in USA USA

I was born into a e-USA that was almost completely occupied by the European based enemy - PEACE Global Community who had begun their invasion of North America in early 2009 - Some PEACE GC Propaganda

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