Fond on/off

Money Money Money

28 2,478 jour, 18:38 Published in Australia Australia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Hey to all you guys and dolls!

I am going to temporarily change the way I play this game. I have found that although I have wanted to

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9Gag funnies

32 2,476 jour, 06:26 Published in Australia Australia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Hi my Sexy Minions.

I am here, not because I have anything interesting to say, but because plato gave me the most amazing mission to clog up the articles feed.

So I intend to fill this article with a

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Werewolf V2 - Final Day

16 2,413 jour, 00:19 Published in Australia Australia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

The village awakes on today, the most auspicious of days! As the vigilante and Doctors are all dead, there was no one to stop the wolves rampage throughout the night.

The remaining … en savoir plus »

Werewolf V2 - Night 5

8 2,411 jour, 01:17 Published in Australia Australia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

The villagers go fairly confidently into the Lynching voting booths this week, the odds are moving ever in their favour, and one of the villagers had the short sightedness to admit to … en savoir plus »

Werewolf V2 - Day 5

13 2,406 jour, 09:32 Published in Australia Australia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Day 3 begins


The wolves fed well last night. Entrails are found all over the village, and there … en savoir plus »