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[MoD] day 2812 - RW Hovedstaden

0 2,812 jour, 08:43 Published in Denmark Denmark Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

Sweden once again started a resistancewar in our regions, probably just to get TP damage. Go get your own TP points in this battle, even if we are not expecting a win.

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[MoD] day 2797

2 2,797 jour, 04:19 Published in Denmark Denmark Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

1. prio : Germany against the sambadancing hue-hue´s

2. prio : Hungary against Cyprus [url=
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[MoD] day 2795/96 - Syddanmark

4 2,795 jour, 13:55 Published in Denmark Denmark Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

Sweden set NE on us last night, and now the attack started.

Do what you can to guide those Swedes home, they arent exactly invited to any party here.

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[QoD] Dont waste your vote

2 2,794 jour, 04:09 Published in Denmark Denmark Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Dear Danes its electionday, and we need to secure our parties.

Two of our parties have only one trusted candidate, and they are already elected.
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[QoD] The team for the next month

5 2,785 jour, 12:52 Published in Denmark Denmark Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

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