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Mix of old I&W backup and new stuff

Oh, HAI!

14 1,014 jour, 02:14 Published in Netherlands Netherlands


So much has changed since I quit, call me stupid but it was better in the ol' days. BUT, the main reason i played this game was the community. So my main question is, is it still alive? Or is it

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[I&W] Results of the Congress Elections

6 1,010 jour, 06:31 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear citizens,

Yesterday there have been congress elections again. I would first like to congratulate LSD with becoming the biggest party of our country! These are the results in total:

Party - # Votes - % Votes - # Seats - % Seats

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[I&W] Election day - USE THE VOTINGSHEET

2 1,009 jour, 01:24 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear citizens,

Today is the day you can make your voice count by voting in the congress elections. If you … en savoir plus »

[I&W] Congress Candidates

2 1,008 jour, 05:34 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Tomorrow there will be congress elections again in our country. This is the official list of candidates for I&W:

Eastern Netherlands:
- Antiko
- [url=

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[I&W] Program

5 1,007 jour, 03:12 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

This is the program of I&W for the congress elections in august. We hope that together with other parties we can work on making these things happen.

Name change:
We as a party have no preference for either of the names, and will let our

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