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[Frix4CP] The Policies: Part 1/2

6 3,071 jour, 08:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Yo mi amiga's

mah polices will be released in 4 articles.

mah 1st policee is to introduce a new law called the Meme Team Bill

This bill includes such amazingness as:

1) Make Stank memes illegal

2) The failed eUK Patriot Act will be

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f r i x 4 C P - its 4 real

4 3,070 jour, 12:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques


u poo's thought it was jus' a silly little prank

or a social expiremnt or something..

well its not. i'm ethan bradberry, so we do stuff for real.

f r i x 4 C P will happen

dis will be the month

i may have exams

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[UKRP] Memes? Dreams? eMarriage? Chaz? We got it all!

13 3,069 jour, 12:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques


The #1 Party in the eUK!

And above all...

we have the best memes, the best dreams and the odd eMarriage....

We have Gali and Hail Astrid, power couple of the memes who have the quality memes that make ur small party look like a

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Frix 4 CPhaha my dude haha m8s

10 3,069 jour, 06:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Haha my dudes

I'm a dude



Dis game is fun. Haha hahahahahahaha good on3 m8 haha no.

Vote up if yah want me to be CP in May haha

Mi policies are

I promise keks,
An AS,
The banning of bad memes,
Gali to be named

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[FM16] Competition Rules and that

7 3,066 jour, 01:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Yo Bois

I have gauged interest for a football manager competition and have decided on the rules:

We will play a Fantasy draft competition, with a shoestring budget of £20 million and a pool size of 3000 players.

This mode allows you to

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