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Interview with Shtula

9 1,837 jour, 22:15 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

1. All of our candidates obviously want to see our nation back on the map, but in which way will you try to achieve this, diplomacy or through military means?

Diplomacy of course. I've already said that all problems trying to solve through

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Interview with van Spijck

9 1,836 jour, 22:35 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

1. You have now lead our nation for a very long time unchallenged. Some would say this would have been more than enough time to of fixed our finances and put us back on track, why should citizens vote to extend your term once again?


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Interview with ElGorro

13 1,836 jour, 22:08 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

This is the first in a small series of interviews with our CP candidates. I extended this to all candidates so if there is no interview with some of them it is because I have received no reply back. Lets get started!

1. You have been very

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Calling all the Lovers

9 1,831 jour, 18:42 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

"This could be the start of something new, I wanna shake the world tonight with you. Can you feel the blood rush through my veins?" -Luciana

Calling all the Lovers

I want to … en savoir plus »

[GPN] Update

15 1,819 jour, 15:11 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello members of GPN, this is our latest update on the party.

Party President Elections
Shortly we will head back to the polls to cast our votes for this months Party President. Currently … en savoir plus »