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Need employees!

4 2,541 jour, 02:30 Published in Canada Canada Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

Hello eCanadians,

I need few employees for my companies so kindly take up my job offer of 45CAD in the job market!

Employees with 100% attendance (weekly) will be rewarded with 20Q7 weapons!!!

Only 3 openings left! hurry up!


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Hello eCanada!

28 2,538 jour, 23:05 Published in Canada Canada Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Hello there eCanada!

I am Real Steel 4 from eIndia. I am a RL Indian citizen and playing eRepublik since 2 years

I just dropped in now!

First of all I would like to thank Nyx Lynx for her warm

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Military scholarships for eIndian citizens!!!

11 2,531 jour, 05:58 Published in India India Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Hello eIndian citizens!

Two things:

I would like to offer military scholarships to some of the upcoming tanks of eIndia!!!


Coming to the details!

I hereby announce the re-launch of SOS INDIA!

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[DONATE] A call for help!

24 2,524 jour, 03:48 Published in India India Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Hello eCitizens,

I, Real Steel 4, the Commanding officer of Indian Armed Forces; the official Military Unit of eIndia want to ask out you for helping our MU out with generous donations for the upcoming "EPIC WARFARE" tournament! We are

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25 2,523 jour, 01:26 Published in India India Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

Hello Soldiers,

As you can see on your bottom-left side of the game-screen, there is a new tournament approaching us! The tournament is named as "EPIC WARFARE" tournament!!
The following screenshots give you the information about the tournament!

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