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Voice for Sheikha!

21 1,172 jour, 09:08 Published in United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates

Dear citizens of eUAE!
As you know tomorrow are the first presidential elections in eUAE, so who wins goes in eUAE history as the first president.

So, official candidate of … en savoir plus »

UAE enigma - we want to know

15 1,170 jour, 11:03 Published in United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates

First of all I want to say that this article isn't here for accusing nobody.

As we all know, or most of us, 4 days ago, congress accepted law proposal for [URL=http://www. … en savoir plus »

Privatization of eUAE

10 1,167 jour, 10:48 Published in United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates

Yesterday, a member of ABoC proposed a law to congress for a money donation. It wouldn't be anything strange if … en savoir plus »

United Party of UAE

14 1,165 jour, 11:40 Published in United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates

Hello dear arab friends!
In this article I will write about our political party and our program.
So, we are one of the first parties in eUAE, accurately second party, not counting … en savoir plus »

Welcome eEgypt

12 1,157 jour, 10:33 Published in Egypt Egypt

Hello dear eEgyptians!

I'm very glade to see new country in our eRepublik World. I think that eEgypt will become improtant country in eRepublik, like other two countries, UAE and KSA.
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