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11 897 jour, 06:50 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

For along time, I didn't write in eMalaysia media. First of all, I would like to mention about fair? what is fair all about?
Simple mathematics
Balance is fair . Is that right?
OK we must to next equation
eSerb PTO stay in eMalaysia

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2 885 jour, 08:04 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Tulis banyak pun tak guna bukan orang nak baca sangat, jangan lupa mengundi pada 25 hari bulan ini. Pilihlah calon yang berwibawa.

Hidup eMAlaysia

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Quote of the day

5 884 jour, 06:44 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Masa lepas dan masa depan tu tidak ada. Ibarat memandu kereta di jalan yg lurus, di belakang (masa lepas) boleh nampak dan di hadapan (masa depan) boleh nampak. Jalan tetap sama, dan jalan itu telahpun dicipta utk menghadapi semua masa dr hujung

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2 883 jour, 06:40 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

Lately the goverment and some of other reporter write a news about president impeachment. Huh. I don't mean that I support the impeachment. But it make eMalaysia media become active thanks to Mr Pres, and his cabinet member. You are the best 😃

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Erepublik Wiki in Malaysia

13 873 jour, 02:51 Published in Malaysia Malaysia

anyone can make it?? or we can work together .

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