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Wonder forward got permanently suspended

7 744 jour, 08:16 Published in Iran Iran

Dear our friend in Iran,

Wonder Forward, country president of Indonesia got permanently suspended from admin. See this original article and help Indonesia signed the letter to admin..

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Wonder forward got permanently suspended

16 744 jour, 08:14 Published in Brazil Brazil

Dear our friend in Brazil,

Wonder Forward, country president of Indonesia got permanently suspended from admin. See this original article and help Indonesia signed the letter to admin..

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Wonder forward got permanently suspended

5 744 jour, 08:12 Published in Hungary Hungary

Dear our friend in Hungary, Wonder Forward, country president of Indonesia got permanently suspended from admin. See this original article and help Indonesia signed the letter to admin..

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A Big Slap for Indonesia, Open letter for ADMINS

92 744 jour, 08:00 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Dear admin, all citizens of Indonesia, and all of our friend,

Tonight the next presidential candidate, Bajaj, reported in indonesia white house that Wonder Forward, country
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Penghinaan citizen france (lagi)

31 744 jour, 04:58 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Kembali oknum citizen negara prancis melakukan penghinaan. Kali ini bukan penghinaan Erep, tetapi penghinaan RL. Salah seorang warga mereka dei invictus secara terang-terangan en savoir plus »