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7 2,615 jour, 13:44 Published in Armenia Armenia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

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¡Amigos, enemigos, proletarios de todos los países, uníos![/
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We, the chosen ones (NAP)

7 2,582 jour, 07:56 Published in Armenia Armenia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello my dear eArmenians.

Today my dream come true.
I must admit , that i am extremely happy.

From Today We - NAP are part of ruling establishment.
Today We, the chosen ones from NAP, are privileged to say that our two members are part of

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Presidential elections

20 2,569 jour, 05:08 Published in Armenia Armenia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello eArmenia, hello eArmenians.

As a president of National Armenian Party it is my right and obligation to say word or two on upcoming presidential elections.

Only two strong political subjects in eArmenia are National Armenian Party, and

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New beginning

14 2,555 jour, 01:24 Published in Armenia Armenia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello eArmenia, hello eArmenians.

As a newly elected president of National Armenian Party, I am more than pleased to announce our next steps in the upcoming period.

As the events from the past months show, there are many things what are done

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Паравеона единица-[AlcoholicS]

5 2,540 jour, 11:01 Published in Armenia Armenia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

На денешен ден после повеќегодишна работа во илегала,жртвувајќи го своето слободно време,углед и црн дроб, во низа на тајни обреди, обуки, специјални кампови одржани на повеќе локации (Кафана,клупа во парк,пред кооперација ...)
Пред очите на еМакед

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