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[DoC] Community Awards Results!

26 1,879 jour, 06:23 Published in Ireland Ireland Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Dear citizens,

Another community article! (woot)

1. Chess tournament
2. Inspirational video of the day
3. Community awards


As you may know, a fellow … en savoir plus »

[MoC] IRC, Forums, Website, and Community Awards Nominees!

40 1,876 jour, 10:51 Published in Ireland Ireland Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Dear Citizens of eIreland,

Before we go on with the community awards, a few messages.

1. IRC
2. Forum
3. Website
4. Community Awards

1. IRC

As you may know, fellow citizens … en savoir plus »

[MoC] Community Awards Nominations!

14 1,874 jour, 07:51 Published in Ireland Ireland Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Citizens of eIreland!

Itt is time for the Community Awards for the month of December! We are a bit late but voting for nominees will take place over the next 48 hours. The players with the top five votes … en savoir plus »

Survey Results!

19 1,872 jour, 12:57 Published in Ireland Ireland Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Hi all,

I did deliver in no time! Procrastinating from the things I should do makes me more efficient in useless things.



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eIrish January SURVEY!!

17 1,870 jour, 06:53 Published in Ireland Ireland Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques


It's been a while since we had a survey, and we loves survey, so here is a survey I made to know the political views and gaming interests … en savoir plus »