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Lost and Found

28 607 jour, 21:21 Published in USA USA

Today is not my day. It all started last Thursday, when I lost my cellphone. Fast forward to today. I lost all my gold in the money market. Then, I lost my house keys. And to top it all off, I lost this article and had to write it all over. It all

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Waiting For War

12 600 jour, 18:26 Published in USA USA

I've been thinking about this upcoming world war with eager anticipation. Am I wrong to feel this way? The last time a major conflict took place for eUSA was Day 541. I was not yet a citizen of the eRep community. I've been reluctant to speak on

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Tension Creates Opportunity in Money Markets

6 599 jour, 10:22 Published in USA USA

Dear readers and subscribers,

Due to current political disruptions, this may be a good time to explore the money market. These troubling times may be the opportunity to take advantage of fluctuating currency. Have you thought about using the

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I report. You decide.

31 595 jour, 00:05 Published in USA USA

Recently, I wrote an article about the IRC. I tried to show that most of the game is taking place there, and in the forums. I recently spent some time in the IRC to observe the Bruno Campaign. During this chat, an impromptu "debate" sprung up

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Attention suppliers, entrepreneurs, & consumers!

9 593 jour, 12:10 Published in USA USA


International Broker citizenslave ( is looking for a few reliable suppliers in foreign markets to purchase goods from their marketplace for resale to global customers. All … en savoir plus »