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The Journal, Memoirs and Anecdotes of Wasp15

Journal Entry 8/10/16 - Wednesday Blues

2 3,186 jour, 05:54 Published in USA USA Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

So, I had been planning to apply for Congress in the soon to come election. My hours at work are starting to drop, so I thought I'd have some time I could dedicate to that.
Unfortunately, a situation developed at work this week that has completely

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The Saga of Grillhorn City

5 3,172 jour, 08:19 Published in USA USA Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

I've been extremely busy for the last week and a half. A couple friends came to visit from MO and TX, and I've been working overtime at my job, preparing for inventory. For lack of other material to post, I decided to wrangle up an old story I en savoir plus »


3 3,160 jour, 19:13 Published in USA USA Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

I was talking with my wife last night about various things, among which were the frequency of toots that our little girl was making. Unexpectedly, I realized that I also needed to toot. It was too late to stop it. It was loud, but thankfully mostly

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7 3,156 jour, 18:01 Published in USA USA Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

'Who the heck are you, and what is a newspaper titled "Journal and Memoirs" doing in eRepublik?'
You ask a dumb fair question, and a fair question deserves a fair answer.
Fortunately, the answer is quite complicated simple.
I have

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