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The Official Newspaper of Iranian MoFA

Russia, We are two close friend forever[Iranian GOV]

12 1,111 jour, 20:15 Published in Russia Russia

Hello To Russian Nation & Government,
This is the last Iranian government message to you in this month. In your last battle, Resistance War in China, Iranian, as an old friend came to your
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Pakistan, We are two close friend forever[Iranian GOV]

9 1,111 jour, 18:29 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

Hello To Pakistani Nation & Government,
This is the last Iranian government message to you in this month. In your last battle, Resistance War in India, Iranian, as an old friend came to your
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Turkey, We'll Stay Brother Forever[Iranian GOV]

40 1,111 jour, 18:24 Published in Turkey Turkey

Selam ve Merhaba To Turkish Nation & Government,
This is the last Iranian government message to you in this month. In your last battle, Resistance War in Cyprus, Iranian, as an old friend came
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[Ir Gov] :Official letter to Turkey !

56 1,100 jour, 00:10 Published in Turkey Turkey

Selamu Aleykum to eTurkey government and eTurkey Nation

Firstly, I should say that in the whole of the eRepublik’s history, our countries were friend together for along time and all of the Iranians will appreciate this kind of relationship which

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Ambassadors of eIran !!

14 1,084 jour, 10:03 Published in Iran Iran

با سلام

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